Thank goodness other people think to take pictures of our kids, otherwise we wouldn't have any. We get so wrapped up in things that it isn't till afterwards that we realize we do have a camera AND a camcorder. But, thanks to Andrea, I have some Christmas pictures.
We had a great Christmas. We started out with Christmas Eve Dinner with Justin's Family. They made a delicious roast with carrots, mashed potatoes and gravy, brussel sprouts, which Amanda and Andrew LOVE and an apple salad. We had pumpkin cake for dessert. It was really nice. We exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve since we wouldn't be seeing Teresa on Christmas Day. Everyone was spoiled, as usual. We got home late and put some cookies in the oven for Santa, but the kids were asleep before we got them out. Justin and I got to bed around 1 AM.
In the morning, we had our first Christmas morning in our new house. Santa gave Meagan a locket, Amanda a foot massager, and Andrew the Simpson's Movie DVD. He also stuffed their stockings. Justin and I gave the kids a WII, thanks to our friends Celeste and Paul, who were able to order one for us. We didn't even have to stand in line! They got Mario Galaxy and Dance Dance Revolution along with the Sports games it came with. It has been a lot of fun. We have already been attempting to Dance, even though we are all getting D's as our grade. Bummer. We also played two sets of bowling and everyone has been boxing each other and getting knocked out. I like how physical this system is.
Late on Christmas morning we headed to Mom and Dad's where a third Christmas was waiting. We had breakfast with the Utah Clan which includes Mom and Dad, Mike and Victoria, Andrea, Ben, and the adorable Zane and all of us. It is a full house. Mom made ham, hash browns, eggs, and rolls and we devoured it all. We also exchanges gifts galore. Shane and Matt called while we were there, Shane let us all know that they are expecting a new baby. That will make 6 grand kids for Mom and Dad!
Afterwords we headed home and hooked up the WII and played games and ate candy and snack foods for the rest of the day. Justin's parents came over and enjoyed a bit of boxing and bowling too.
Overall, it was a great day. I am so grateful for all we have and our wonderful families on both sides.
That was a nice Christmas story. I am glad I got some pictures of the kids. I might have more, I'll check. It was a lovely day, and Zane was adorable. He giggled last night! :)
I feel like a heel. I'm sorry I didn't come over on Christmas day. I'm a bad sister (in-law), and auntie. I was trying to avoid the Christmas let down, which always comes and depresses me, so I tried to pretend it was a normal day. It did the trick. Working on Christmas day is somehow comforting. I'm glad you all enjoyed the day and each other. I had fun Christmas Eve and I've already used my gift card. Bought bathroom stuff that I LOVE. Thank You!!!
My kids have nothing but awesome aunties. It worked well coming over on Christmas Eve because then we didn't feel rushed on Christmas Day to fit everyone in. And we also used your giftcard as well. Andrew has been begging us to go to the new National Treasure Movie, so we all went to that. It was great and we ate tons of popcorn. Thanks!
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