Friday, October 03, 2008

The "Down-There" Dr.

I finally had my first appointment with the DTD as others so delicately put it. I haven't been in ages. Bad, I know, but now I don't have the "no insurance" excuse! Anyway, all is well in the baby department. We heard his/her heartbeat which is pretty cool. I got the whole works done. Fun huh? Justin was with me which makes it a little less weird. Other than the part when the Dr. talks about 5 minutes about abuse and wants to know if Justin's smacking me around. It sucks that we are in a world that that has to be part of an arsenal of questions they have to ask. We thought we were all set until we went to checkout and the receptionist informs us the the Dr. will be moving his practice to Pioneer Vally Hospital which is in freaking WEST VALLEY! This is a bit farther from home than I like, plus they don't take our insurance. I was a bit peeved that they didn't tell us this before we set our appointment, considering it would defiantly affect me before my due date. I could have chosen to sign on to a different plan that he could accept or just start out with a Dr. who delivers at the hospital near us. We have decided now that we have to search out a new DTD. I want to stay home during labor as long as possible and don't want to worry about SLC rush hour traffic and getting stuck on the freeway. I know Justin can do almost anything, but delivering a baby in the van doesn't sound fun. Anyway, if you know a great DTD in Utah County let me know. We are on the lookout. Bummer.

1 comment:

Ms. Hobbs said...

Well... I know you have to search out a new doc, but at least you got to hear the baby's heartbeat. That's always good and exciting news. I am glad you are over the sick hump, but hope that you can get some more energy soon. THAT is not fun to feel exhausted all the time. I know.