Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

We generally have the Easter Egg Hunt the day before Easter, which this year was perfect because the weather was beautiful on Saturday and stormy on Sunday. Since I have the only kids in the family, (till next year, yeah!!), we usually invite a lot of friends, neighbors or extended family. That way my kids don't eat ALL the candy that has been put into 300 eggs. All in all, it is fun with a lot of good food.
These are Andrea's friend Stephanie's kids


  1. Cute pictures, except the one of me. Meagan took that one, never thought I would be published. Suprised there wasn't one of mom, Meagan chased her around with the camera for about 15 minutes.

  2. I did sneak in one of mom. There were about 50 of her, half of her back side. I didn't think she would like me publishing those though.
