Justin and I got to go to the Prom last night. Amanda went as well. We all volunteered to help out. Amanda can go next year when she is 14, this year she had to go as a server. All the little kids in black and white were servers. Justin and I were in charge of the punch bowls. I guess they were worried someone might spike them with Mountain Dew! Or even worse, Red Bull. hehehe. Anyway, the girls all looked beautiful and the boys very handsome. Everyone had a lot of fun. They held it at the Hampton House in American Fork. 

So, did you spike them??
It's funny you say that, because Justin was joking that we were the worst parents in the group to be guarding the punch bowls.
You still didn't answer the question. hhhuummmm........ I guess I got my answer. Hahahaha
You still didn't answer the question. hhhuummmm........ I guess I got my answer. Hahahaha
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